Gadgets From 'The Inspired Home' Event In NYC.

Cut Your Food, Not Your Fingers.
Middle schooler R. J. Batts started brainstorming about how his dad, a restaurant chef, could protect his fingers at work because his dad cut his fingers quite often. With the support of his parents he set out to invent a product that would shield his Dad’s fingers. While working on sketches and 3D prototypes, Batts hit upon a simple yet effective way to shield each finger thoroughly up to above the second knuckle – the areas most exposed when using kitchen knives. He continued to improve the product, first by adding prongs to hold food securely in place. Then, to make the product sanitary for professional kitchen environments, he decided to forge the “Professional” version from sturdy stainless steel, adding a series of holes to provide access for thorough cleaning. The Tip Tough was born. It's available now, while R.J. works on a home version and a child's version that might sell for about $10.00.
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