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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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Main | Meet Smartoo, Said To Be 'The World's First Smart Portable Desk'. »

A look at three new gadgets the Giz Wiz found at CE Week, a mid-year mini-look at new Consumer Electronics.

The 360 Security Camera That Sees All Around Your Car. 

The Waylens Secure360 4G is a revolutionary automotive security camera designed to give drivers unprecedented peace of mind. Waylens Secure360 4G provides a true 360° view of what happens in and around your vehicle, automatically storing imagery to the cloud for on-demand access. Easily monitor your vehicle and its surroundings in real-time and get instant notifications of any event, so that you can know, show and protect what’s important. It will let you know what’s happening in and around your car in real-time from any location (where you have a Wifi or cell connection, depending on the model you own.) It can show evidence of accidents, theft and other events with crystal-clear video. And it can protect your car, your driving record and yourself from threats and misinformation. True 360° Vision Gives You the Total Picture. A WiFi version of the Secure360 should be about $249.95. This camera is not available for purchase yet. It should be out in the fall. The 4G version will be about $349.95 and out Spring, 2018. You can sign up for updates at the company website. 

Giz Wiz Video: 

Company Website

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