Sunny Days Toys Presents Some Exciting Big Maxx Action Vehicles!
The 3 new toys from Maxx Action toys won't be out until October, but all three are great for kids. 2-N-1 Dig Rig Dump Truck and Front End Loader Toy Vehicle
All have lights and sounds to help create the environment of a real a construction site, a missle launch, or an emergency fire vehicle.
The 2-in1 Mega Mover which is two complete toys, a mega-truck carrying a fun bulldozer with front & rear working buckets will be a Target exclusive at $39.99
(In photo above) Space Maxx 3-in-1 Blast Off Rocket (Kid Powered) has a voice count-down, a rocket that a space capsule that lights up and can be disconnect. It's big and a Target exclusive with a MSRP of $39.99.
The Off Road Fire Rescue has a battery-operated rotating fire hose and can actually shoot water up to 12 feet according to the spokesperson. And it comes with 6 'knock-them-down' flames for practice. That has a MSRP of $29.99 at Target.
Maxximum power, maxximum action, maxximum fun! "AA" batteries are required/included. Suggested Age: 3 Years and Up. Choking hazard small parts.
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Maxx Action Toys on Amazon-but not the ones in the video which are not available yet & will be at Target:
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