About Me


Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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Attention: Starting October 1, 2022

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   Gadgets I showed on WORLD NEWS NOW are here the new site:      

(This site uses a very old Squarespace format that has become too unstable. Google has also marked this site: "Not Mobile Friendly". The new site meets Google's mobile standards.)  

Entries from November 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018


Meet the Intellikatt - The challenging interactive bowl for cats

The Intellikatt is not a regular cat feeding bowl. It makes your cat work his/her dexterity to get their food. The company says this has many benefits. It helps prevent bad behaviors, ensures a slower feeding time, helps develop your cat's intellect and more. With more than 500 configurations possible, it can be adapted to follow your cat's learning process. Begin with the easier starter bowl and gradually add to the level of difficulty by adding height and discs. Diner time for cats just got a lot more interesting! -- Unless of course they just ignore it and decide to order out.

Giz Wiz Video:  


Company Video:  


Company website  


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Chad 2nd gadget for his new 'crappy corner' theme for November.

Chad polled our loyal Patreon members and asked them to vote on his 'cheap gadget theme' for November. And the winner was “Cheap Kitchen Gadgets”!

Chad's second cheap kitchen gadget is the Butter Keeper. 

A silicone butter slicer - cutter - container - keeper with lid for storage measure butter to make bread, cakes, cookies. GREAT MEASURE TOOL: You won't know how you will live without this butter slicer; it will store and slice one stick of long thin butter quickly, the kind sold at your favorite specialty grocer. EASY TO CLEAN: The butter keeps are safe in dishwasher and fridge. NOTE: Please Notice the size of the butter container if it fits the size, lid covers butter during storage and doubles as a slicer. 

And Chad's take: Watch this week's show to see how it faired as Chad tried it using butter, and margarine. It seemed to work pretty good with the margarine. A bit less handy with butter which stays harder unless it's really softened. And it was a bit messier with butter. It wasn't a disaster, but Chad thought he really wouldn't be using it. 

It's available at Walmart for about $4.

Amazon page with Butter Keeper gadgets: As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases.

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Dick's Gadget Warehouse & How to Submit Your Viewer Video.

Another video from a Giz Wiz fan, this time a first submission from Amy Green.

Here's her email: 

Hi. I don't know if you guys want this video but it has to do with what Chad talked about a while back.

Feel free to ignore this if you don't want it. Thanks for the show, Amy

(From Dick & Chad: Of course we want it. It's another great way to solve the problem of a countertop appliance having to be moved often in order to use it.)

See or hear this episode: 


We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show, so here's what we're looking for! Your home shot video – 2 to 3 minutes long, in any of the following categories:

I bought a piece of crap: Did you buy something you ended up hating? We won't get you a refund, but we might be able to give a platform to vent your disappointment. Remember, "family friendly" language applies.


I invented this! Did you invent something? (Or did a friend or relative invent something.) We can't market it for you, but we can help get the word out. Show us what it is, and how it works. Even if it's a prototype, you can get our (and the audience) reactions. No professional ads please.


My Gadget Warehouse: Okay, so you don't have a warehouse. It doesn't matter. Just tell us about your favorite old gadget(s). When and where you bought it, and why you're still hanging on to it.


My Favorite Gadget (favorite old, or favorite new): Show us what it is, tell us what it does and why you love, or loved it! It can be a new gadget you just bought too.


Post them on YouTube and send us the link! We'll do the rest. (Or possibly nothing, but that's unlikely.) Remember, videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long! Low production value is fine, but we should be able to hear you and see you! If we select and show your video on The Giz Wiz you’ll earn a tiny amount of fame (hopefully). And if you live in the US, you'll also get an autographed 35-year-old Alfred E. Neuman picture and a MAD surprise (most likely the current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live, I canemail an autographed to you Alfred E. Neuman photo if we show your video. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it's a copy. We've tested it out and fans say they look terrific!

All show submissions go to


Letter of the week:

Buddy Yates here… again.

Dick, I wanted to thank you, OMGChad, and the viewers for the very kind comments and questions concerning the crazy Warehouse video I made for the Giz Wiz show ( To answer all the questions would require a lot of typing so I made yet another video (sorry). This video has some production notes and explanation as well.

I thought I would include a bit of material from Sunday when I carried the banner for my car club in the Palm Springs Pride Parade. Somebody had to do it.

Hugs to you, Chad, and all the Wizzers out there.  -Buddy Yates 


The Giz Wiz Show 1699, November 2nd 2018 Independent Show #182 

The Giz Wiz Show is far into it's 13th year of production, and the fourth year of Independent Production! (The very first show was February 20th, 2006.) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we continue on! If it wasn't for them, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you'd like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our independent venture (we pay for everything ourselves, including travel) just click the Patreon link at the top of our show web page:  You can also contribute just once via the PayPal link that's there too. And thank you for doing that! Our show wouldn't exist without our viewer's support, but a bit more support would be a big help. Thanks from OMGchad & DickDe!)

This week we check out three new, unique gadgets from PhotoExpo 2018 which took place at the Javits Convention Center in NYC, October 25th to 29th(Thank you Larry Gerson for shooting our videos for today's show.)


Take one of your favorite 360 degree photos and it crafted into a 360 degree globe.


While roaming the aisles at PhotoExpo I came across a table with 360 degree globes, each bearing a great photo. Talking to guys at the booth, I found out that this was the first public showing of their Snapsheres. Here's how it works. You go to their website, upload your favorite 360 degree photo and they make into a globe consisting of 32 magnetic interlocking polycarbonite pieces. It comes with a basic plastic stand. If you use something a little source under the globe (they don't make anything like that yet) your 360 degree photos will glow from within. Now this process is not inexpensive. One Snapshere costs $139.99. But I'm sure it will attract a lot of attention, but more importantly let you enjoy one of your favorite 360 degree pictures any time you like at your Snapsphere.


Giz Wiz Video:  


Compay Video:


Company website:


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Convert your iPhone into a real camera. (Available for Android phones too.)

I never saw or used the Pictar One Mark II so I'm providing info from the company. However, there is a more advanced version (Pictar Pro) coming in March. You can find out about it at the company website. Look for the Kickstarter link at the top of the page. (As of 11/2/18) Here's the info on the current model: Pictar One Mark II is a powerful smartphone camera-grip that connects easily to most iPhone and leading Android models (see list on their website) and gives users unprecedented control over the smartphone camera through a user-friendly app. Pictar One Mark II is controlled by no fewer than five external buttons and includes a patented, revolutionary interface which uses sound frequencies to activate the camera, which saves battery power compared to the standard Bluetooth connection. Pictar One Mark II was born to address mobile photographers of all levels – from social recorders to professionals – who wish to get more from their smartphone camera and miss that good-old feeling of firmly holding and easily controlling a traditional camera. $99 to $109 depending on what smartphone you have. 

Giz Wiz Video:


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