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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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   Gadgets I showed on WORLD NEWS NOW are here the new site:      

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Entries from November 1, 2018 - November 30, 2018


Kano's Harry Potter Coding Kit 

This tech toy has won a lot of awards. It got a Best of Innovation Honorees for CES 2019 -- Picked as one of TIME magazine’s Best Inventions of 2018! - And it is also on the list as one of the Best Tech Toys of the year....... Here's how it works. First you build your wand, which Chad said should take a very short time judging from the photos. The wand combines a gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer to track your hand movement and recognize the motions of signature spells. Once assembled, download the Kano app to start unlocking challenges across six iconic Wizarding World settings including Hogwarts, Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade and The Forbidden Forest. Kano says the creative challenges teach fundamentals of coding and introduce basic concepts of real-world programming thanks to a block-based interface and a JavaScript inspector, guided by simple steps. The wand works wirelessly with iOS or Android tablets as well as Windows or Mac computers. You can also share your creations on Kano World, a free, creative community where anyone can make, share, and play with art, music and games, and tweak it to make it their own.

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Chad's Crappy Corner & Another Gadget For His November Theme!

Chad polled our loyal Patreon members and asked them to vote on his 'cheap gadget theme' for November. And the winner was “Cheap Breakfast Gadgets”! Chad's third cheap kitchen gadget is: Cereal On The Go Cups.


From Amazon: Perfect for delicious meals at work, office, school or university. Whether fruit, cereals, flakes, snacks with yogurt or milk - with the Cereal On the Go Cups, your food stays crispier and fresher longer. Top lid closes securely and opens easily. Includes a small foldable spoon. Chilled cereal-to-go; Cereal Cup: 10 fl. oz and Milk Cup: 5 fl. oz. Freezer gel keeps milk fresh and cold for hours. Available in 3 colors. $5.50


And Chad's take? Chad thought this gadget was so-so. He liked that the milk didn't leak out and that you can put it in the freezer to harden the gel which will help keep the milk cold. But he thought it didn't hold enough cereal, and that the included folding spoon was poor made and hard to use. Watch the show to see his full review.


It's here on Amazon: As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases.


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Dick's Gadget Warehouse & How to Submit Your Viewer Video.

This week's video viewer is a second one from Angela Newhook. Here's here short email:

Hey Dickydee,


Here's the link to my gadget:  


I couldn't find it anywhere online & I don't remember exactly how much I paid but I remember it was a 3 digit price. I loved the show last night. I love it when u guys chat about ur pets.




There are several of these Grace units available on ebay. Just search for Grace Tape2 USB.


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We need more viewer videos! We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show, so here's what we're looking for! Your home shot video – 2 to 3 minutes long, in any of the following categories:


I bought a piece of crap: Did you buy something you ended up hating? We won't get you a refund, but we might be able to give a platform to vent your disappointment. Remember, "family friendly" language applies.


I invented this! Did you invent something? (Or did a friend or relative invent something.) We can't market it for you, but we can help get the word out. Show us what it is, and how it works. Even if it's a prototype, you can get our (and the audience) reactions. No professional ads please.


My Gadget Warehouse: Okay, so you don't have a warehouse. It doesn't matter. Just tell us about your favorite old gadget(s). When and where you bought it, and why you're still hanging on to it.


My Favorite Gadget (favorite old, or favorite new): Show us what it is, tell us what it does and why you love, or loved it! It can be a new gadget you just bought too.


Post them on YouTube and send us the link! We'll do the rest. (Or possibly nothing, but that's unlikely.) Remember, videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long! Low production value is fine, but we should be able to hear you and see you! If we select and show your video on The Giz Wiz you’ll earn a tiny amount of fame (hopefully). And if you live in the US, you'll also get an autographed 35-year-old Alfred E. Neuman picture and a MAD surprise (most likely the current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live, I canemail an autographed to you Alfred E. Neuman photo if we show your video. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it's a copy. We've tested it out and fans say they look terrific!


All show submissions go to




Letter of the week:


From: Steve Davison with a Foldimate update!


I am now back to The Best of 2017 episode #1657. You two discussed Foldimate on here & showed it at CES 2018 together (you two MUST do more together videos). I just now went to their website & here is the update: Target Price: $980 ? First Shipment: Late 2019  


Late 2019? Are you kidding me? What a joke of a company.


The Giz Wiz Show 1700, November 9th 2018 Independent Show #183 

The Giz Wiz Show is far into it's 13th year of production, and the fourth year of Independent Production! (The very first show was February 20th, 2006.) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we continue on! If it wasn't for them, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you'd like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our independent venture (we pay for everything ourselves, including travel) just click the Patreon link at the top of our show web page: You can also contribute just once via the PayPal link that's there too. And thank you for doing that! Our show wouldn't exist without our viewer's support, but a bit more support would be a big help. Thanks from OMGchad & DickDe!)

This week we check out three new, unique pet gadgets from The Time To Play Holiday Preview.


Now you can carry your dog in comfort-on your back!


K9 Sport Sacks says they are the #1 dog carrier backpacks in the world. I do know that they get rave reviews online and in posted videos. The model I'm going to get for Charlie (our rescue dog) is the K9 Sport Sack AIR PLUS. Here's info on some of the features of the Air Plus provided by the company: Detachable storage bag (14"x9"). Fully ventilated sides for maximum refreshing air flow. Padded back panel for increased comfort and cooling. Thicker, wider, pressure relieving shoulder straps for increased comfort. Safety D-ring for collar hook-up. Mesh dual side pockets for increased ventilation. Thick bottom rest pad to keep your dog comfortable. Light reflecting adjustable sternum strap. From The Giz Wiz: This is a great way to take your dog hiking, camping, or use it for any outdoor activity. There are models for dogs up to 40 pounds. This is also an ideal solution for folks with two dogs; a big one and a little one. The little guy probably tires quickly trying to keep up with his big dog buddy. Now he can travel in his K9 Sport Sack when he tires out. Depending on the size and the model, they range in price from about $70 to $95.00


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Designed to handle #1 and #2, the highly absorbent BrilliantPad soaks up liquids and dries out solids. It wraps and seals waste to keep your home clean and odor free. A built-in timer replaces pad automatically or you can refresh anytime at the touch of a button. I asked what happens if there's a puppy on the pad when the machine is set to automatic and the spokesperson said a sensor won't let the machine start until the pad is clear of your pet. Waste is sealed inside while outside remains dry and your hands stay clean. Biodegradable caps prevent leaks and foul odors. One long-lasting roll lets you enjoy your pet without the clean-up chore. The company says one roll = 27 regular wee pads. $149.99 (as on 11/5/18) Refills are $20 to $32 depending on the number you buy and if you subscribe to one of their refill plans.

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