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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Chad's Crappy Corner and gadget 3 of his new September Cheap Gadget Theme.

    Chad's cheap them for September as picked by our loyal Patreons is Left-over Gadgets! Yes, gadgets Chad bought for various "Crappy Corner" themes of the past, that he never got to use on the show.

    Chad's third left over gadget is the POTATO GUN KIDS TOY PISTOL.


    From Amazon: Simply stab the barrel of the gun into a potato of choice, aim, squeeze the trigger and a blast of air propels the vegetative pellet up to 15 meters. Easily-cleaned in water, with a sturdy spring-operated mechanism. Note: Not to be aimed anywhere near the eyes ! We recommend the use of goggles when playing with this toy.


    Chad's take: Chad said he remembered this as being a lot of fun when he was a kid, but maybe not so much now. However, since it just uses a potato for ammunition, there's no other ammunition to buy since probably every kitchen has a spare potato. There are lot of these potato guns on Amazon and they do warn 'not to shoot at anyone's eyes'. They're very cheap too. I saw 4 for about $15.00 on Amazon which is a bit under $4 each on Amazon. (As of 9/16/22.)


    Check the latest price on Amazon: This is the four pack.


    This is single gun for about $5:


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