Dick’s Gadget Warehouse & How To Submit Your Video To Win An Autographed Copy of MAD Magazine.

Our viewer video this week is from Stephen Glad who has sent us warehouse videos before. This video is a “What The Heck Is It?” that no one guessed before he revealed it. Here's Stephen's email:
Hi Dick & Chad:
I hope you enjoy my video submission. I am celebrating my birthday (June 2nd) in GizWiz style.
Stephen's video:
Can you guess what it is?
You'll see the reveal on this week's show. Or you can spoil the surprise by checking it out on Amazon now.
Check the latest price on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3PVc1Vz
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See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1886
We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show! Here's what we're looking for! Your home shot video – 2 to 3 minutes long, in any of the following categories:
I bought a piece of crap: Did you buy something you ended up hating? We won't get you a refund, but we might be able to give a platform to vent your disappointment. Remember, "family friendly" language applies.
I invented this! Did you invent something? (Or did a friend or relative invent something.) We can't market it for you, but we can help get the word out. Show us what it is, and how it works. Even if it's a prototype, you can get our (and the audience) reactions. No professional ads please.
My Gadget Warehouse: Okay, so you don't have a warehouse. It doesn't matter. Just tell us about your favorite old gadget(s). When and where you bought it, and why you're still hanging on to it.
My Favorite Gadget (favorite old, or favorite new): Show us what it is, tell us what it does and why you love, or loved it! It can be a new gadget you just bought too.
Post them on YouTube and send us the link! We'll do the rest. (Or possibly nothing, but that's unlikely.) Remember, videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long! Low production value is fine, but we should be able to hear you and see you! If we select and show your video on The Giz Wiz you’ll earn a tiny amount of fame (hopefully). And if you live in the US, you'll also get an autographed 38+ year old Alfred E. Neuman picture and a MAD surprise (most likely the current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live outside of US, I can autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email you a high res copy if we show your video. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it's a copy. We've tested it out and fans say they look terrific! If you submitting warehouse videos for a second, third time, etc., you'll get the current issue of MAD as a thank you.
NOT another Gadget
Hey Dick & Chad
Today, no gadget, I wanted to show you a new store in my neighborhood.
its called Bingers,& I did a video on it.
Youtube: https://youtu.be/S6ba6OdZ7Hg
Bingers Website: https://www.bingers.fun/
There are 22 bins, & the idea is, you never will know what you will find.
I did a Google map on the distance from Dick to this store, it's about 10 miles. It’s really close to me, I am 1.6 miles away.
Enjoy. Thank you for all you do. Mo.
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