Chad's Crappy Corner and his first gadget for his new May Cheap Gadget Theme.

Chad's Cheap Gadget Theme For May, picked by our loyal Patreon is: “Cheap Computer Gadgets”!
Chad's first cheap computer gadget is The Note Tower Monitor Mount Document Holder & Sticky Notes Organizer. This easy-to-use device holds papers, notes, business cards, etc. right next to the computer screen. It clips directly to laptops, tablets and thin desktop monitors. It mounts to large computer screens with the supplied adapter. Mounts to top or sides of monitors.
And Chad's take? Chad liked this a lot. On this week's show you'll see how easy it is to attach the device and slide paper into the flexible clips. Then you can display it or use the angle adjustment for better viewing. The Clip-On, Clip-Off design fits neatly in laptop bags & work bags. Ideal for home, office, college & school use. Chad liked this a lot. MSRP: $16.99
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