Chad's Crappy Corner and his final gadget for his new April Cheap Gadget Theme.

Chad's Cheap Gadget Theme For April, picked by our loyal Patreon is: “Cheap Microwave Gadgets”.
Chad's final cheap microwave gadget is the Bad Boy Bacon Maker.
From Amazon: Cook Healthy Bacon in Minutes, Reduced Fat, Easy to Clean Design, Made with Food-Grade Silicone. Bacon Grease Tray Sold Separately. Add up to 6 Slices of Bacon, Snap the Strap, Microwave for as little as 4 Mins, Ready to Serve. Ideal for Family, Singles and Dorm Room Cooking. The Fat Drains Away through the specially designed holes Leaving a Healthier, Crispy Bacon.
And Chad's take? Chad's result wasn't very good. But as you'll see on this week's show, it may have been because he was using a thicker sliced bacon. Chad likes the device enough to try it again, but next time he'll use thinner bacon. Judging from the photos on Amazon from satisfied customers, it should work better with thinner bacon. So it's may turn out to not to be the 'crappy' category. MSRP: $19.95.
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