The Giz Wiz Buys A Mystery Package! Is it worth the $24.99 he paid?

Each year I would buy a 'mystery box of crap' expecting to maybe getting something great. And the reason I expected that is a photo advertising the mystery box usually shows high end headphones and all sorts of expensive equipment. In the end you get a box of stuff that might be worth more than you paid, but you have no use for. This time I signed up for a “white elephant package”. I paid $20, plus $4.99 shipping. Instead of a box of crap, I received on single item. The Champion Laptop/Tablet Backpack with Thermal Pouch. Well, I was really disappointed! I don't need another backpack. Even though this one seemed well make had pockets for most everything and even an insulated pocket, I was further disappointed when I went to the 13 Deals Website where I bought the 'mystery package' to find them selling it for $19.99. So the mystery value was putting it in a white bag and charging a penny more? Oh well, I have a friend who I am sure can use a really decent backpack!
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It's here on Amazon in dark grey for a few back more than I paid:
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