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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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« Family Fun For Holiday Gatherings. | Main | Dick's Gadget Warehouse & How To Submit Your Video And Win An Autographed MAD Magazine. »

Chad's Third Gadget For His December Theme.

Chad's third 'Cheap Stocking Stuffer' is The Melting Snowman. First, some info from the company: Build a snowman from the comfort of the indoors with the Toysmith Melting Snowman. This entertaining kit uses soft putty to shape and decorate a snowman. At room temperature the snowman slowly melts into a puddle, without leaving a mess behind. The kit includes reusable melting putty, plus a hat, scarf, eyes nose and arms. The melting putty can be used to create a snowman up to 3-inches in height. The snowman makes a whimsical holiday decoration for a tabletop or desk. Easy to clean up. Leaves no moisture or mess behind.  

And Chad's take?Chad said working with the melting putty feels exactly like it does when playing with Silly Putty. You see in the video that you do have to soften it before you can make your snowman. You'll also see the snowman made which I thought was pretty good. Then you'll see Chad decorate it with the accessories that are packed in the kit. Plus, Chad's stop motion lets you actually see The Melting Snowman melt! The kit is about $15 which Chad says it about the top price he thought it was worth.


Check latest price on Amazon:


ScooterX in chat found a slightly higher priced version that comes with extra pieces you can add to your snowman: 


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