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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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Show #1861 Week of December 9th 2021 Independent Show 338 

 Can it be?? We're in year 16 of The Giz Wiz Show! (The first Giz Wiz Show – called The Daily Giz Wiz back then – was February 20th 2006!) If it wasn't for our loyal supporters, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you'd like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our independent venture (we pay for everything ourselves, including travel) just click the Patreon link at the top of our show web page:

What? It's been a whole 3 months since we did a new coffee maker? Let's fix that now! 


This is new from Chefman, The InstaCoffee Max+. I bought their original Insta Coffee, but just bought this one too to see the difference. A small difference is that this single serve Kcup maker brewed a cup of coffee in 96 seconds, just a tad faster than my original model. It started brewing in under 30 seconds. But, a big difference is the size of the basket included to make coffee fast using your own fresh ground coffee. With the original one I made about 8 ounces of coffee with the small included basket. Chefman says this new one brews up to 14 ounces of coffee from your own ground coffee. Also different is a water gauge and a cup lift is included on the new model. It was priced the same as the original one, ranging from about $40 to $50. When I bought mine I paid $39.99 and it was still that price on 12/10/21, but Amazon prices can change at any time.


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