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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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« Chad's Crappy Corner & his second gadget for his new December Theme. | Main | Show #1860 Week of December 2nd 2021 Independent Show 337 »

Dick's Gadget Warehouse.

Our warehouse email of the week is from Bob Layton who writes:

Hi Dick and Chad, this is Bob from Dover, NH. I had totally forgotten about this device until I heard a beeping in the middle of the night coming from the kitchen. When I located the sound coming from under my dishwasher I first thought that the dishwasher sprung a leak again. When I pulled the pan out from under the dishwasher it was bone dry so it hadn't started leaking again, it was just the device letting me know the battery was getting low. So I replaced the battery in all the units since they are all about the same age. So I looked back to see when I ordered these and it was back in May 2014 this so it has lasted a good long time.


So here in my video:


Bob Layton


From the Giz Wiz. I had a few of these too years ago. I used them on my houseboat to put in various compartments in the floor. And people must like them because they're still available on Amazon. 


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We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show! Here's what we're looking for! Your home shot video – 2 to 3 minutes long, in any of the following categories:
I bought a piece of crap: Did you buy something you ended up hating? We won't get you a refund, but we might be able to give a platform to vent your disappointment. Remember, "family friendly" language applies.
I invented this! Did you invent something? (Or did a friend or relative invent something.) We can't market it for you, but we can help get the word out. Show us what it is, and how it works. Even if it's a prototype, you can get our (and the audience) reactions. No professional ads please.
My Gadget Warehouse: Okay, so you don't have a warehouse. It doesn't matter. Just tell us about your favorite old gadget(s). When and where you bought it, and why you're still hanging on to it.
My Favorite Gadget (favorite old, or favorite new): Show us what it is, tell us what it does and why you love, or loved it! It can be a new gadget you just bought too.
Post them on YouTube and send us the link! We'll do the rest. (Or possibly nothing, but that's unlikely.) Remember, videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long! Low production value is fine, but we should be able to hear you and see you! If we select and show your video on The Giz Wiz you’ll earn a tiny amount of fame (hopefully). And if you live in the US, you'll also get an autographed 38+ year old Alfred E. Neuman picture and a MAD surprise (most likely the current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live outside of US, I can autograph an Alfred E. Neuman photo to you, scan it & email you a high res copy if we show your video. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it's a copy. We've tested it out and fans say they look terrific! If you submitting warehouse videos for a second, third time, etc., you'll get the current issue of MAD as a thank you.


All show submissions go to



Email of the week!


Last week's What The Heck Is It? Video had us all completely baffled. We found out what it was from the video, but now in a new email Michael Prine give us more details on the Solar Pathfinder. He writes:

Should have gotten a little closer to the grid in the video and explained how it worked. See attached photo. Around the outer edge are markings for the magnetic deflection for the location you are setting up so that when the compass says south the pathfinder is pointed solar south. The grid lines going from top to bottom give you the month of the year with the winter months at the top and the summer ones at the bottom. Finally, the lines from left to right give you the time of day.

Ideally you would setup your panels in a location that is not shaded by anything but sometimes you have limited choices for location and this tool lets you chose the best location. In my case I had trees to the east and west but would rather have the trees than worry about a few extra watts. And the tree to the east loses its leaves in the winter so I get more power when I need it most. Also by 9 Am the east tree is no longer shading the panels so I am not losing that much in any event.

Solar is a hobby of mine and I live in a house that gets all of its electricity from the sun and I use very little gas, for cooking, as the house is heated by solar too. I know I paid more for the system than I would have spent on utilities but it has been fun.


Michael Prine

Retired from the University of New Mexico


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