Now you can add 'sparkle' to any drink with the new Sparkel device.

You probably know about Soda Stream, the gadget that fizzes water right on your counter top. Well there's a new and different kind of carbonater that just came to town (November 2019.) Here's a bit of info about it from the company: Just in time to fizz up the holidays, Spärkel, an innovative sparkling beverage system that can infuse real ingredients and bubbles into any beverage of choice has officially launched for $100. What sets Spärkel apart from other sparkling devices is the amount of creativity users can enjoy when making custom drinks, ranging from healthier sparkling strawberry mint water to holiday sparkling punch infused with real cranberries. It can also carbonate any liquid – not just water – such as tea, juice and wine. Instead of using CO2 tanks Spärkel uses special Spärkel Carbonator sachets that use natural ingredients to generate the gas and are easy to dispose of and reorder. The black version of Sparkel is $99.99 and the color option units are $119.99. 90 Packs of Carbonators $49.99, roughly 55 cents a bottle to carbonite. Available on Amazon and at the company website. Watch this week's show to see Sparkel in action. (The company brought the product to Gizneyland for the demo and our video and took the unit with them.)
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Amazon: Black: $99.99 Colors: $119.99. -
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