Dick's Gadget Warehouse & How to Submit Your Viewer Video On Any Gadget!

Our viewer video email of the week came from Linda who found a great way to save money while having great Halloween displays. She buy them from her local thrift store. And as you'll see in here video, she discovered some great 'spooky' gadgets. Here's Linda's email.
Hi Dick and Chad,
This is a video for a few fun Halloween gadgets that I thought you might like. These are all from a local thrift shop so the most I paid was $2.99 for each of them.
Thank you, Linda
See or hear this show: www.gizwiz.tv/episode/1751
We’d love to include your video in an upcoming Giz Wiz Show!
Here's what we're looking for! Your home shot video – 2 to 3 minutes long, in any of the following categories:
I bought a piece of crap: Did you buy something you ended up hting? We won't get you a refund, but we might be able to give a platform to vent your disappointment. Remember, "family friendly" language applies.
I invented this! Did you invent something? (Or did a friend or relative invent something.) We can't market it for you, but we can help get the word out. Show us what it is, and how it works. Even if it's a prototype, you can get our (and the audience) reactions. No professional ads please.
My Gadget Warehouse: Okay, so you don't have a warehouse. It doesn't matter. Just tell us about your favorite old gadget(s). When and where you bought it, and why you're still hanging on to it.
My Favorite Gadget (favorite old, or favorite new): Show us what it is, tell us what it does and why you love, or loved it! It can be a new gadget you just bought too.
Post them on YouTube and send us the link! We'll do the rest. (Or possibly nothing, but that's unlikely.) Remember, videos should be just 2 to 3 minutes long! Low production value is fine, but we should be able to hear you and see you! If we select and show your video on The Giz Wiz you’ll earn a tiny amount of fame (hopefully). And if you live in the US, you'll also get an autographed 35-year-old Alfred E. Neuman picture and a MAD surprise (most likely the current issue of MAD.) But no matter where you live, I can email an autographed to you Alfred E. Neuman photo if we show your video. Just print it out, frame it, or just hang it up and no one will know it's a copy. We've tested it out and fans say they look terrific!
All show submissions go to mail@gizwiz.tv
Letter of the week!
Dick, I have some info for you and Chad on the request you made on the 10/17 show.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing prints US currency. The US Mint makes all the coins and medals. It's a common misconception a lot of people make when talking about money.
The highest current denomination is the $100 bill. The highest bill ever printed, however, was a $100,000 note that was printed from December 18, 1934 to January 9, 1935. It was used for transactions between Federal Reserve Banks. President Woodrow Wilson was pictured on the front.The following bills have not been in print since 1946: $500 (William McKinley); $1,000 (Grover Cleveland); $5,000 (James Madison); and $10,000 (Salmon P. Chase, former Treasury Secretary). $100,000 (Woodrow Wilson)
Highest Denomination of U.S. Bills - Infoplease
https://www.infoplease.com/ › asked› highest-denomination-us-bills
From a Patreon supporter Doug Clemann
From the Giz Wiz: I found more photos at the bottom of this page at Wikipedia:
Note: Most Giz Wiz Amazon links on this website are 'affiliate' links. If you buy something through one of those links you pay exactly the same as everyone else, but GizWizBiz gets a small credit to purchase more gadgets to demo on shows. Thank you.
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