The Giz Wiz Show 1698, October 26th 2018 Independent Show #181

The 2018 Meetup is over, but here's part of the Virtual Meetup with OMGchad and myself. Watch it and you can meet some fans of the show you probably know from the chatroom:
Now onto this week's show!
The Giz Wiz Show is far into it's 13th year of production, and the fourth year of Independent Production! (The very first show was February 20th, 2006.) Thanks to our wonderful Patreon supporters we continue on! If it wasn't for them, the Giz Wiz Show would be gone. If you'd like to support OMGchad & DickDe in our independent venture (we pay for everything ourselves, including travel) just click the Patreon link at the top of our show web page: You can also contribute just once via the PayPal link that's there too. And thank you for doing that! Our show wouldn't exist without our viewer's support, but a bit more support would be a big help. Thanks from OMGchad & DickDe!)
This week we check out three new, fun toys as we head into the holiday shopping season. They are all from the 2018 Toy Insider’s HoliDAY of Play.
Now it's real fun 'playing with your food'. Meet Chow Crown
“Fun and silly” seem to be a new category of games that kids (and many) adults can enjoy. I just discovered a new one at the Toy Insider's Holiday of Play called The Chow Crown game. Silly? Well you start by putting a musical crown that spins on your head. Then you load up the plastic forks with things you can easily stick on forks, like marshmallows, strawberries, etc. Then hit “on” and once the music starts, the snacks will begin to spin around your head. The object is to bite the food off the rotating forks without using your hands and eating it before the music stops. As you'll see in the video, the forks just hang down loosely, so it's a challenge to bite the food off them. If you want more of a challenge, switch from the long game mode to the shorter game mode. The player who eats the most food wins. It's designed for kids ages 8 and up and it seems like a fun game for a kid's birthday party or even a birthday gift. And need they say it? FOOD NOT INCLUDED. MSRP $19.99.
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