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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    « The Giz Wiz, Week of June 11th, 2014, Show # 1472 | Main | Wow! The 20X Magnifying Glasses. »

    A 3-way USB Charging Cable.

    Here’s the cable I bought on Amazon and showed in the Phone Soap Charger Video Above.

    These cables are really, really cheap, and come with no packaging and no instructions. When I was examining my 3 way cable, I noticed that the 30-pin connector had two different indicators. One side was Marked "SAM" and the flipside had the 30-pin symbol on it. I wondered if  the SAM side would charge my 30-pin Samsung tablet. I hooked the cable to an AC adaptor, plugged it in and yes, the charger light on the Samsung tablet came on. The flipside of the 30-pin adaptor worked fine to charge my only iOS device, a Gen4 iPod Touch. I don’t know if one of the other connectors will charge the iPhone 5. If you check the reviews many say “yes”, some say “no”. At one reviewer said they cable he received wasn't the one in the photo. So in keeping with the under $5 price, it can be a bit of a crap shoot. I used the micro-mini connector on my cable to charge my Samsung Galaxy S5. Remember though, at these prices these are not certified cables, so there's no warantee or guarantee if they harm any of your devices. So far my 3-way cable has behaved itself well while charging. No Longer Available.

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