It talks! Just what you need at your backyard B-B-Q!
Friday, July 3rd, 2009, Netcast 865.
This was a “hot” item when it first came out about 12 years ago. It’s the Hot Talk B-B-Q Spatula from Wee Talk. There’s presently a company called Wee Talk that makes baby items. I don’t now if it’s the same company that produced Hot Talk. Maybe a company that makes baby products didn’t want to be known as the producer of HOT TALK. Actually the “hot talk” is very mild. Pushing a button on the handle of the Spatula brings up two voices and three sayings. The first two sayings are the gruff voice of a man who says:
“Mmmmm….smells real juicy! Now we’re cooking!
A second push & he says:
Hey, it’s getting hot on here. Flip me! Flip me!
Then there’s a sexy lady voice, which says:
Well hello honey! How about toasting your buns!
Hot Talk was a big seller for about $12.00 and it lasted two years before it disappeared from the marketplace.
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Reader Comments (1)
I am trying to replace my hot talk bbq. where can I get one. I love this goofy spatula.