Episode 1095
Wacky Alarm Clocks
Dick has covered a number of wacky alarm clocks for the hardy sleeper, including the Clocky Walking Alarm Clock (Episode 306). In Episode 328 when he covered the Flying Alarm Clock, he mentioned another example of the same genre, called the Rude Awakening, which is today's warehouse gadget. It would blast out rude wake-up calls such as:
Ramen Spork
Forrest from Loomis, California has been listening to DGW since the days before “I’ll be here” was introduced into the public consciousness. He remembers fondly about the Titanium Spork (Episode 182) which became a big hit, and reports that the Japanese have made their own adaptation of the Spork for eating Ramen noodles, called the Ramen Spoon/Fork, also available from the Museum of Modern Art.
Dick was sent a pack of sporks with serrated edges, probably better called spknorks. They look like the ones from Episode 294, which a listener wrote about.
Variations on the Theme of Sporks
Past shows where listeners wrote in to talk about various iterations of sporks are too numerous to tabulate, but here are some examples:
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