Dick's Blog & Log...
Here's info on stuff and photos I found interesting, and you might find them interesting too. And yes, our disclaimer too!
An inexpensive, but very useful backpack.
Every back-to-school season I try to find a unique backpack. This year I found a backpack with a couple of unique features, that is also incredibly inexplensive. It's the Inateck Laptop Backpack. It's good-looking and the company says it's made from waterproof, scratch-resistant, anti-tear special nylon fabric. It's also the first backpack I've seen with slip-on waterproof cover. It's like a elastic slip-on raincoat for your backpack and it's included in the price. Also unique is an external USB Port; slide your power bank into the backpack and plug it in; now you can charge devices with the backpack closed. A luggage belt at the back lets your backpack slip over the extending handle on your rolling luggage. Side pockets hold personal belongings like a water bottle or umbrella. And a padded compartment holds up to 15.6 inch laptop. I think it's a bargain at $39.99, but Amazon instant discount dropped price to $27.99! Offer was still valid as of 8/24/17
Meet The Meem Charger Cable That Also Remembers Everything That's On Your Phone!
MEEM is a fresh new take on smartphone back up. It's a phone charger cable that automatically backs up personal data on a smartphone to the cable. And it does that every time the phone is charged. With people using phones more and more for high quality photos and video and quick text communications, a phone’s storage fills up quickly with precious content and the more personal information stored, the higher the anxiety of losing or having that data stolen is. With MEEM, backing up your smartphone is a simple solution that fits into a daily routine. Just plug in your MEEM (either for an Android or iPhone device) choose and confirm a four-digit PIN and back up of your personal data starts immediately. MEEM keeps personal data safe in your hands, under your physical control, and inaccessible to anyone else. MEEM is available to purchase in the UK, Europe and North America direct through the manufacturer or on Amazon. Prices start at $49.99 for 16GB. Up to 128 GB is available. (on Amazon as of 6/29/17) and will depend on if it's for iOS or Android and the amount of memory inside.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/cKRgpnxY4LM
Amazon link: http://amzn.to/2s4qgMx
Company website: http://www.meemmemory.com/
No Hole Dress Belt For Men.
Meet the Perfect Fit No Hole Dress Belt. I don['t know how long these have been around, but I discovered them a few months ago. And I like these a lot! (I bought 3 so far.) The holeless pants belt buckle has a hidden ratchet adjustment system that features 32 different positions for a custom fit from waist sizes 28 to 48 inches. When you receive the belt, trim it down to the size you want for a the perfect amount of overlap. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully and trim the straight end of the belt, not the tapered end that will be visible. The no-holes dress belt tightens with a gently pull and releases by lifting the front of the buckle. Adjust quickly and discreetly, about 1/4” at a time after meals, when sitting down or standing. It's available in Black or brown. There are many variates online. I tried two.
I prefer the Perfect Fit version because it's the easier to adjust. It was under $15 on 7/16/17 here:http://amzn.to/2usnmFB (Choose black or brown before ordering.)
But also check out the Danteversion.
With that version you get a choice of more than two dozen buckles, but I find the little release hook at the bottom on the buckle makes it harder to adjust the belt than the version above where you just lift the whole buckle.
It was under $17 here http://amzn.to/2uouu68 on 7/16/17
Giz Wiz Link. Pay exactly the same as anyone else, but Giz Wiz Biz gets a small credit to buy more stuff for the show. Thanks
Make A Tea Candle Into A Light 100's Brighter!
That's what Caframo says about their JOI Lamp Tea Light Candle Powered LED Lamp. And yes, it does work! The JOI lamps doesn't use batteries, solar or wall power to create its own light. It does use thermo-electric technology to transform the energy of a single tea light candle into enough light to illuminate your night time dining inside or outside. Within about four minutes of lighting it, JOI begins to convert the heat of the candle into enough power to light the 8 bright LED's on top. The box copy says: '100X brighter than one tea light candle” and that sounds very reasonable after this using really unusual lamp. The design makes it an ideal centerpiece and the technology makes it perfect for indoor or outdoor lighting. Watch the video I show on WNN to see how versatile this lamp design is with dozens of various positions for the movable, extending arms, and adjustable shade. On Amazon it got 4.7 out of 5 stars from 65 reviewers, so people do love this lantern. It's not inexpensive at about $107.00 on Amazon, but I have seen it as low as $89 by doing a web search.
Full Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/k3rzmbAc86M
Amazon link: http://amzn.to/2pNhmpy
Company website: http://www.caframolifestylesolutions.com/product/joi/joi-heat-powered-lamp/
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