CMS Products says they’ve invented the Digital Spare Tire!

Monday, June 8th, 2009, Netcast 846
If you’re computer crashes and you don’t have a back up you can’t blame Leo or me. We’ve talked about all kinds of backup solutions. Here’s a brand new one from CMS Products. BounceBack Ultimate disaster recovery and backup software enables you to create an exact copy of the entire contents of your Windows PC hard drive. And when they say complete, they mean it includes the partitioning, formatting, operating system, data files, applications, pictures, music, video and personal settings. Think of this as a “Digital Spare Tire” for your PC! Using BounceBack Ultimate’s patent-pending “Instant PC Recovery” you can start-up your PC directly from your external USB hard drive in the event of an operating system malfunction, or even a mechanically failed hard drive. To prove it, Monica Golden, who works for CMS Products, stopped by my office with a laptop and an external drive loaded with BounceBack Ultimate. I played on the laptop for a few minutes so I could see that it was a normal computer with all the regular programs. Then Monica removed the laptop’s hard drive and plugged the external hard drive with their BB software into a USB port. The computer booted from the external hard drive after she click on “One-Button Recovery” and all the programs I saw earlier where available again. There’s an automatic backup with built-in scheduling. Pricing of this product depends on the drive capacity. For instance a 500GB lists at $200, which includes the full version of BounceBack Ultimate software. You can also buy the program as a stand alone for under $100, or upgrade earlier versions of BounceBack for a lower fee.
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