A unique water bowl for pets, great for travel.

The Torus water bowl is pretty neat. Fill it, lock it, and you can pack it, take it in the car, to the park, etc. and the water won't leak out. Only when you turn the know to the “on” position does your pet's water flow into the bowl. The self-filling design keeps refilling it as the pet drinks. It keeps the water level low to prevent splashing. You can use bottled water as many people on Amazon said they did, or filter the water with the included charcoal filter. No power of any sort is needed. The low profile means the bowl is very stable, plus it has rubber feet. My dog Charlie likes it because there's no reflection in it. Sometimes I think Charlie thought there was another dog in his shinny stainless steel water bowl because he'd look in and jump back. The Torus is not inexpensive however. The 1-liter version is about $52.00 and the 2-liter version is about $57.00.
Giz Wiz Video: https://youtu.be/EMpHzKVZgBg
1-Liter version:: http://amzn.to/2ddvWPV 2-Liter Version: http://amzn.to/2cya2X8 As an Amazon Associate Giz Wiz Biz earns from qualifying Amazon purchases.
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