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    Put an end to tangled headphone cords!

    They’re calledCordCruncher,and they were a recent successful Kick-Starter project. I’ve used them for a few days now and they actually work very well. When you take them out of the package, you have a short cable with a headphone jack dangling out of one end of a latex sleeve, and two earbuds hanging out the other end. Nothing’s tangled up, but they’re also unusable that way. After you stare at them and give up on how to use them, you refer to the instructions. That’s when you see they’re quite ingenious. To extend the headphone cable, hold the headphone jack and the wires going into the earbuds. Pull out as much wire as you’ll need. (Max length for the entire CordCruncher is 42”) Then use your headphones like any other pair. The sound is very decent, especially for the price! When you’re finished, it’s time to make the wires tangle-proof again. This time you hold the very ends of the latex tub and stretch it. This quickly shortens the cables back to their original length of about 16 inches. Another nice feature: you don’t have to store your headphones in your pocket. CordCruncher headphones can be worn around your neck or you can double them the latex sleeve and wear them on your wrist. They come in three colors which I thought were blue, red or black. Now I learn they’re available in Pearl Blue, Rocket Red and Matte Black. Silly me. The price is decent. $24.95. And in case you’re wondering, you cannot use your own headphones since it’s a specially designed cable that’s inside that clever CordCruncher Sleeve.

    See or hear the Netcast where we also talk about CordCruncher:

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      Giz Wiz Biz - Tech Guy Labs - Put an end to tangled headphone cords!

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