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Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Winners of the Jan/Feb 'WTHII game' with the correct answer.

    The Jan/Feb “What The Heck Is It?” gadget turned out to be easily known by about 75% of the people who played. More than 100 people knew instantly it was a Magnetizer / Demagnetizer. So in keeping with the rules, we picked 12 winners at random, and here they are: 

    That is a device that de-magnetizes screwdrivers Bryon J. Hammer


    That is a Screwdriver magnetizer / demagnetizer! Craig Mullaney!!


    It is a Magnetizer and Demagnetizer. Used to magnetize or demagnetize tools. Stace King


    Magnetizer / demagnetizer for screwdrivers - Jim Donaldson


    Magnetizer/Demagnetizer for making your tools magnetic or removing the magnetism. Rob Jones


    this is to magnetise and demagnetise your screw drivers. adi spivak - israel


    It is a Magnetizer/Demagnetizer. One hole is for magnetizing the other for Demagnetizing. Mary Fugleberg


    It is a screwdriver magnetizer/demagnetizer. So that you can use any screwdriver to hold screws to start them. Brandon Hanke


    This square device is a Magnetizer / Demagnetizer. Good to use with files and screwdrivers (with or without orange juice). Massillon Tiger Fan


    It’s a magnetizer/demagnetizer for tools and other small objects. I have used one for screwdrivers. Tom


    It's a magnetizer / demagnetizer usually used with tools like magnetizing a screw driver to hold a screw. Signed: teg1947


    Magnetizer/ Demagnetizer. I use one for working on RC helicopters. Without it, you will drop and lose screws. Jason Princeton, IL


    These devices are available in lots of colors, some under $5 on Amazon here:


    The winners above and the ones below living in the US or Canada will get April MAD. See below on how to claim your prize.


    Winners for cute clever answers. 

    All winners in US & Canada get April, 2017 MAD  

    We have a lot of very smart people sending in guesses, because a lot of them involved the graphic artist MC Escher. We picked two:


    This is a dollhouse designed by MC Escher. Paul Smith


    It's a 3D printed version of Relativity by M.C. Escher. - Steve B


    Other winners for cute, clever:


    This is part of a device that ratchets to different sizes/gaps/widths. -Brett Glass


    It is a condo for tiny pets like crickets or snails. RICHARD A. FERCH


    It looks like a very exclusive Roach Motel. Christopher Rogers


    It's a dual light switch cover for an upstairs/downstairs light control for people with a bad memory. Fred Wodnicki


    It's a mouse confessional, complete with kneeling rail, but missing the doors. - Nosemeister B


    This is an extrusion die accessory for the Play-Doh Fun Factory. It didn’t sell because nobody knew what to do with the strange shape it produced. Marty


    Finger stairs (on left) leading to the dreaded finger guillotine (on right) . 😵 Sue Freesemann


    My Goldfish love this.... they can swim through the window or practice the stairs. Richard from Indiana


    It's obviously an Urban Ant Loft for for those who won't stay Down on the Ant Farm.

    Dave Folkner


    This a gadget to draw stairs or windows and doors for blue prints. Dennis McLane


    I believe this device is a mold for small staircases when building sand castles.

    Doug Heimann


    Attachment for a pasta extruder for the newest fad of rectanglular pasta. Tamar Brooks.


    It is a minimalist doll house. Curt Eskridge




    A stair climbing exerciser for a flee circuis - Signed Laser Bo


    A sorting gauge for Tetris blocks - Signed Laser Bob


    This is obviously a MineCraft Nether Portal. Chad has a YouTube tutorial on how to make them! Doug Johnson


    My guess is this is a stencil for designing crazy stairs Ben from Omaha


    It’s a template for making miniature dollhouse doors, windows and interior stairs. Mike Roth


    Handcuffs for a misbehaving robot with particular squarish shaped arms. BrianZ


    Obviously this is a personal home gym, Steve Overton

    This is the tool to calibrate the vegetable cutter you had on the show. Just slide your french fry in to make sure it's the right size. Chase Barber


    Do it yourself Mime training stage. Learn to go up AND down stairs. Now with a bonus Mime-In-A-Box addition. hiKnee


    CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS! If you won more than once, please just ask for one autographed MAD. Yes, we know some enter several times under different names. :) Email me your full name & address - (US/Canada only - otherwise email me & OMGchad & I will give you a shout-out on The Giz Wiz Show). I'll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify Dick's name only.  Please put MAD WINNER in the subject line, so I can pick it out quickly. Thanks!!!  Dick De, The Giz Wiz & MAD's Maddest Writer. Email me at:  

    Don't forget to go back to the top of this page to play the Mar/Apr 2017 WTHII game. And be sure to sign your entry with a name, initials, something - or it won't be counted.


    THIS GAME HAS ENDED! Here's the new Jan/Feb 2017 "What The Heck Is It?" Game. And the Winners of the Nov/Dec 2016 game! 

    Here it is! Do you know what it is? To play, come up with the right answer, or make up a silly, or inventive answer that we find funny or clever that describes the gizmo shown. We give away up to three dozen autographed copies of MAD Magazine. (Up to 12 for the correct answer, up to 24 for cute, silly answers.) And remember, the judges have very small attention spans, so make sure entries are no more than 25 words, and please make just one guess per entry. You can enter more than once, and you can enter even if you've won in the past. But you must sign your entry with a nickname, screen name, fake name, or even real name, but sign it! If it's not signed, it's not eligible. You'll be playing for the April 2017 issue of MAD!

    Remember, right answers and cute or clever wrong answers can win! Please be sure to put " WTHII" in the subject line so we can pick it out quickly. And good luck! E-mail your entry to by midnight (EST) February 28, 2017. By entering you agree this is a game for fun and laughs. Winning answers are published on this website the 1st or 2nd of March 2017, so come back to see if you won. Because MAD is real cheap, we have to limit mailing winning copies to the United States and Canada. If you've won, follow the directions below to claim your prize! I'll tweet a few reminders for folks to check to see if they've won when winners are announced, so please follow me on Twitter:   Please don't answer on this website; it won't count. Good Luck! Winners outside the US and Canada can have their names included as a "shout-out" on an upcoming Giz Wiz Show as their prize. Yep, MAD is that CHEAP!


    And the winners of the Nov/Dec WTHII game with the actual answer are... 

    This time around we got tons of correct answers. It seemed strange there were so many correct answers and with the exact name of the product too. Extra strange because it's such an offbeat product. I suspected I knew the reason this happened and this 1st email confirmed it: 

    It's a nozzltopp. That was wayyyy too easy lol. It comes right up on a google image search - usually your contests never come up. Al S.


    From The Giz Wiz: Yes, Al, I made a big mistake taking a shortcut and using a picture I found on Amazon. I usually shoot the WTHII picture myself so it's harder to search for. I won't make that mistake again. But we did pick a dozen right answers as winners. The one above and these 11 additional ones.


    The current "what the heck is it" is a NOZZ-L-TOPP aerosol spray can nozzle guard. Here it is on Amazon.  Steve Miller

    This is a Nozz-L-Topp. It protects aerosol spray nozzles for drops up to 48 inches. Brandon Hanke

    NOZZ-L-TOPP It's an aerosol can, nozzle protector! AO_River

    It’s the Nozz-L-Top, used to protect the nozzle of aerosol cans from accidental sprays.

    Mark Duncan


    The gizmo is an attachment that protects aerosol can spray nozzles. Massillon Tiger Fan

    that pink thing is a spray can nozzle guard! -Richard W.

    This is a NOZZ-L-TOPP spray can nozzle guard Tony

    It is a Nozz-L-Topp that protects the spray nozzle from breaking off if you drop the spray can.

    Doug Johnson


    I believe this is a spray nozzle protector. Michael in California


    Nozz-L-Topp Guard: protect your aerosol spray can nozzles from damage by drops and bumps. Taneshia Cunningham

    This is a guard for spray cans. Nicholas Poverman 

    See the bottom of the next panel on how to get your autographed MAD magazine. Thanks!


    Winners for cute clever answers. All winners in US & Canada get February, 2017 MAD  

    Goes over your nose and opens to allow you to breathe and rotates closed when you feel a sneeze coming on. Inner cup catches any drippings when you have a cold. Bruce B.

    It's a Peg Leg Nub Cover for a fashion conscious pirate. Dave Folkner


    It's a rotating beacon for Doctor Barbie to put on her Jeep. Ian

    That is a pacifier prep case. It keeps it ready for baby! Steve B.

    It is a “plug for a leaky tet after milking a cow” This saves the loss of many gallons of milk over a year! Jon Paul Frontino


    Obviously a motorcycle helmet for a minion. Lara's Love


    This is a Diet Coke / Mentos Fun Fountain Nozzle for 2 liter bottles. ~MarkyMark


    Remember Diver Dan? (Old time kids TV show host) They are bringing it back with a new host, Diver Danielle . Ian Winkler


    It’s a “Carrot” Sharpener! So when you bit off the pointy end of a carrot you can re-sharpen it! Signed Kentastic5


    It is a toy for R2-D2, this one is pink for a girl, they come in blue for a boy Tomchopper


    Nose protector for anteaters. Tongue goes out the circular hole. Tool-User


    It’s a Carnival ride for Ken and Barbie. Signed ken in Seattle


    It’s a portable juicer. Signed ken in seattle.


    I use to wrap up and TIGHTLY seal the bags of @)$(%(% from my two dogs.


    It appears to be a Barbie Wedding Gazebo. Graycat98


    It's a lolipop keeper. Pop the black cap and slide it in stick first. Now you can lick it all you want and store it in your pocket. Chase Barber


    My first toilet brush holder Dirk Meijer


    "Barbie Sit and Spin", where Barbie and Ken can sit in the 2 seats in the enclosure. BillinLodi


    It's an SSHM: Seamonkey Scubagear Head Mask. - Ira Salsberg


    In today's world, it's a safety pencil sharpener that actually doesn't sharpen in fear of poking one's eye out. Andy Saville


    It's a broken light bulb remover for girls.  Last months yellow one was just for boys. Scott Duink


    Tilt-A-Whirl ride pod for mice - Sonya


    It's a toothbrush holder with side protectors so no one can touch the bristles. Dave Martel


    CONGRATULATIONS WINNERS! If you won more than once, please just ask for one autographed MAD. Yes, we know some enter several times under different names. :) Email me your full name & address - (US/Canada only - otherwise email me & we'll give you a shout-out on The Giz Wiz). I'll autograph your MAD with your first name & my name unless you specify Dick's name only.  Please put MAD WINNER in the subject line, so I can pick it out quickly. Thanks!!!  Dick De, The Giz Wiz & MAD's Maddest Writer. Email me at:  

    Don't forget to go back to the top of this page to play the Mar/Apr 2017 WTHII game. And be sure to sign your entry with a name, initials, something - or it won't be counted.