
About Me


Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Episode 840

    All About Egg Cream
    Jim Levine, a Brooklyn tour guide who has written a few times before, tells us all about the egg cream which Leo mentioned back in Episode 813.  Jim says that the most believed story is that the egg cream was invented at a luncheon in Brooklyn.  The original egg cream did contain eggs, but at the turn of the century when people in poor sections of the city could not afford to have eggs in a drink, someone came up with the drink we now know.  Authenticity requires spraying off the back of a spoon and Fox's Syrup, as per the Seltzer Sisters instructions.  Fox's also has a recipe for the "original" Brooklyn Egg Cream.

    Fox's Syrup


    Episode 839

    Here's a combo photo of the Evolution Showerhead from Oxygenics.

    The World According to Leo

    Mick from the Chatroom points out that while Bob Packett may have reached 1000 episodes in his "History According to Bob" podcast much earlier than Dick and Leo (see Episode 838), Leo has done about 2,350 podcasts since he started. Take that, Bob.

    Spontaneous Knotting
    In Episode 796, Leo referred to a scientific study about the spontaneous knotting of cables. Verena Fuchs from Hayward, California, notes that the study, "Spontaneous Knotting of an Agitated String", won an Ig Nobel Prize for Physics in 2008, given by Improbable Research - for achievements that first make people LAUGH, then make them THINK.

    Verena also thanks Dick and Leo for giving her a break from worry, depression and desperation for not having had a job since 2007.



    Episode 838

    Permaflow Commercial
    Watch a demo of the Permflow on its commercial.  If you need to retrieve something from the drain, a good companion to the Permaflow would be the Alligetter from Episode 716.

    Internet Meltdown
    Apparently all of New York is suffering from a bad internet connection while Dick and Leo are recording for this session.  Leo has to give up Dick's video on TWiTLive.

    1000 Episodes and More
    Dick and Leo are looking forward to Episode 1000, but Bill Allen knows another podcast which reached Episode 1000 on 13 June 2008.  It's History According to Bob, a history podcast by Bob Packett.  But does he have any jingles?



    Episode 837

    Leo is going to kit out his Terratrike Cruiser with accessories, including a TWiT pennon and a horn recommended by kiwinerd.  It's a loaner which Leo will return, but he has a feeling he will be buying one.  At least Alex Lindsay will.  As Dick says, it's going to be Pedal-uma.

    Terratrike Cruiser

    Free of Charge?
    Stefan from Norway is puzzled by the Samsung Charging Stations mentioned by Toyota Boy in Episode 818. "What's the point of a charging station if it's free of charge?" muses Stefan. "Ha-ha, those No-wegians," says Dick.



    Episode 836

    Plate Vise in Action
    Here's an example of the Plate Vise in action, from Tri-Vise.

    The Dark Secrets of the Laporte Household Revealed
    Leo reveals that Jennifer looks to other studs to satisfy some of her needs, and is into Rent-A-Husband and Buffalo Bill - only for home maintenenace, because Leo is not much of a handyman outside the computer sphere or routing the home network, such as fixing the bannister.

    Airport Comforts
    Mark Donato lets Leo know that he was not dreaming when he thought that there were some rocking chairs at some airport in the States, in Episode 802. The airport at Charlotte, North Carolina is one, where you can find rocking chairs between the B and C Concourse.

    A Request for TTTT
    Loyal listener Shane Shellenbarger has a request for Leo.  He wonders if he will be reviewing the Amazon Kindle DX.

    Kindle DX