About Me


Known as MAD's Maddest Writer, co-host of The Giz Wiz with OMGchad at www.GizWiz.TV, The Giz Wiz on ABC's World News Now, and on Tech Guy Labs with Leo Laporte on www.TWiT.TV

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    Entries by Inside DGW (319)


    Episode 1083

    A Library of Books
    Abby has decided to forsake gigabit to the pillow at Scripps College in California (Episode 1067) in favour of a library of books at Bard College in New York State.  Leo, Jennifer and Henry will fly together with Abby in August to the college, and Dick has generously offered his Samsung Junior (Episode 1080) for her dorm.

    Last Christmas Lee M received from his parents an iPod Touch and the Music Power Encore Dual USB Port Charger (Episode 1056).  On a long flight, his iPod Touch ran out of battery.  The Music Power Encore Charger came to the rescue.  Highly recommended.

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    Episode 1082

    Personal Alarm for your Cellphone
    Leo complains again he doesn’t get enough letters.  But he does have one from Toyota Boy aka Jayzee, who writes about the Nio from, a personal alarm for your cellphone.  When it gets out of range of the bluetooth Nio, it will sound an alarm.  It serves the same function as Dick’s Zomm from Episode 1053.

    Nio - another cellphone "leash"
    The Lost iPhone Prototype
    Leo really feels for the guy who works at Apple who lost the iPhone prototype, especially after Leo put the boot in on the guy on Twitter.

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    Episode 1081

    Best Cuppa Coffee
    Leo is having his best cup of coffee – thanks to Aerobie’s AeroPress (Episode 1026).

    A Gadget for Leo
    Paul Griswold has a gadget suggestion for Leo, not for Dick since Dick lives in the city.  Paul bought one from Woot a couple of years ago.  It’s the Robomow from Friendly Robotics, a sort of Roomba for your lawn.


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    Episode 1080

    Half-Baked Ovens
    Here's a picture of the other example Dick mentions on the show, of these mini microwave ovens like the Samsung Junior - the Sharp Half Pint.

    The Half Pint

    In Episode 1071, Leo said that TWiT would not get the credit for the downloads if one used Podshifter.  A number of listeners who do not use iTunes became concerned that they might be doing Dick and Leo a disservice.  Kevin Kapinos, who uses Rhythmbox on Linux, is one of them.  Leo explained that using other jukebox software is perfectly fine, as long as you use the standard RSS feed from TWiT (which redirects the downloads through podtrac - who tracks the number of downloads).

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    Episode 1079

    Mr Excel
    Bill Jelen, Mr Excel, dropped by at Gizneyland to leave Dick a copy of his new book Easy-XL, but it’s the Spanish version!  The only thing that Dick understands is the pie chart he drew.

    Loss of Laptops
    Jan Reesman of Beverly Hills (even though she’s moved) and Cats and Dogs 101 heard about the recent losses in the Laporte family – Abby’s MacBook Air and Leo’s Asus Seashell 1201N (Episode 1057) – which occurred during Abby’s 18th birthday party in their house.  Jan wonders if Leo has got Carbonite installed, in which case the records may show the IP address of the location of the laptops when it starts backing up.  Leo has tried all the usual detective work, but to no avail.

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